Welcome to the Ely SVP Conference Page
If you, or someone you know needs help, from a friendly phone call, a visit, a lift, shopping, other jobs done or support with financial or household matters please refer them to the SVP phone number 07763800565
To read more about the vision, mission and history of the SVP please follow the link to our main website www.svp.org.uk

The Ely Saint Vincent de Paul Conference meets every fortnight, on a Monday evening at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms and we are always ready to welcome new members.
We are committed to combatting poverty and providing support and friendship to people in our local communities. There are many ways you can get involved with our work, by becoming a member, donating, involving young people and fundraising.

Please pray for the victims of exclusion or adversity, that they may find the love that they deserve, and that we may find the strength and opportunity to help them.