You can win up to £25,000 and help us to fight poverty in all its forms by playing the exciting new SVP Weekly Lottery. Play from only £1 per week and over 50% will go to help the SVP to support people in need across England and Wales suffering hardship, loneliness or exclusion in any form. By playing the SVP Weekly Lottery you will also help us to tackle the causes of poverty through our social justice campaigning, making society fairer for all. So, please join us and turn your concern into action and, who knows, your compassion might win you a whopping £25,000.
Month: July 2022

The SVP National Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which included the Sacrament of the Sick, returned on 3 July after an absence of three years. Organised by East Anglia Central Council with help from the pilgrimage coordinator and staff at the shrine, the pilgrimage provided a welcome return to a much-loved event on the faith calendar.
Up to 600 people attended the pilgrimage in summer sunshine, a promising number, considering the break due to Covid and the current high cost of fuel. In an atmosphere alive with friendship, support and love, SVP members described the day as “beautiful”, “a great success”, and “uplifting and well organised with dignity”
During Mass SVP National President Helen O’Shea said: “It was a wonderful day, and fantastic to be able to share it with other SVP members in this very special place.” In his inspiring homily Bishop Alan Hopes praised the SVP’s mission saying that “the message of the Gospel (love) must be lived before it is spoken.” During the pilgrimage SVP National President Helen O’Shea presented Bishop Alan with a relic of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, which will be kept at the shrine.
Members Nigel Weale and Bob Thornton, who had recently passed away were remembered, and Stephen Giblin from the Peterborough Conference was congratulated on his 50 years’ service with the SVP.
Next year, the East Anglia Central Council aim to build on the success of the pilgrimage and look forward to welcoming more brothers and sisters in faith. The SVP Pilgrimage is on the first Sunday in July, so keep July 2, 2023 free on your calendar.
The Bishop will visit our Parish to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday 8th May 2023 at 6.00pm. Those who will then be in Year 8 or above are eligible to apply for Confirmation. Preparation sessions will begin in October. Application forms are at the back of church or by clicking the button below. For further information please contact
Catholic Family Day
Join us for a day of Christian fellowship and fun on Saturday 6th August. We will meet at the 10am Mass at St Etheldreda’s, and afterwards head to Cherry Hill Park Please bring your picnic, rug, and some outdoor games to share. For more details please contact Monica Underwood at

1st Communion Part 3
Congratulations to our children who received their First Holy Communion yesterday and to their parents. Please pray for them and for the whole group. This was the last of the three Masses, where over 40 children made their First Holy Communion.