Fourth Sunday of Advent, 24th December:
Saturday at 6.30 pm, Sunday morning at 9.00 am and 11.00 am.
Sunday, Christmas Eve:
Christmas Mass during the Night at both 5.00 pm and 8.00 pm. There will be no Mass at midnight.
Monday, Christmas Day:
9.00 am, Dawn Mass; 11.00 am, Day Mass
Month: December 2023
Next big clean!
We would like to do a quick sweep and spruce-up of the church ahead of it being decorated for our Christmas Masses and celebrations.
If you are free and able to spare some time on Saturday 23rd December at 11.30am we’d love to see you.
A big thank you to all who have been joining us over
the last couple of months, it has been much appreciated and all are welcome!
After this, we will re-group again in February 2024.
On Sunday 26th November, The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, St Etheldreda’s Ely SVP celebrated an International Food Festival Parish Lunch, inviting all parishioners to bring and share, a dish from their country of origin or that they have an affiliation with. The lunch was so well attended that we thought we would not all fit into the parish rooms.
Fr David Finegan opened the meal with prayers to thank the Lord for the food we were about to share and to help us support those less fortunate, all over the world, through the work of the SVP.
It was a wonderful day with exciting dishes to try from England, Scotland, Ireland, Philippines, Poland, Italy, Spain, Nigeria, Jamaica, Ukraine, South Africa, China, Canada and India, a good cross section from our multinational parish. There were a lot of appreciative comments and requests for recipe exchange and general conversation between new friends. So many people helped with all aspects of the event, setting up and clearing away. Thank you so much. We are always open to new members.
It was so popular there were many requests to repeat the occasion during the summer when we can spread out into the garden.