Mass and Sacrament of the Sick. 7th July starting 1.30pm. A 16-seater, wheelchair accessible coach has been booked leaving Barton Road car park at 11.30 am. Travel is free but donations towards the cost are appreciated.
Please sign up at the back of church.
Contact Joan for more details. 07510359845
Year: 2024
Gardening Group
The Gardening Group will meet again on Saturday, 27 April, 2 – 5pm. Please come, if you can, to help with keeping the church garden tidy. Thank you.
A Message from Bishop Peter
We are blessed in our diocesan family with three seminarians, a student for the priesthood residing in South Africa, and a possible candidate for entry to formation in September of this year. There is also an encouraging number of other men discerning a potential vocation to the priesthood, so it is all the more
vital for the future of the Diocese to enable adequate financial support for the training of priests. The cost of training our diocesan students for the current year
will amount to £92,418. I urge you to be as generous as possible in supporting the annual second collection, which last year raised approximately £20,000.
(Donations can also be made through the diocesan website: )
Easter Pictures
A selection of pictures from Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Good Friday Walk of Witness