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Holy Week and Easter

Details of all services during Holy Week and Easter can be found on our dedicated page. Click on the button below

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Message from Missio

Message from Missio The ‘Red Box’ has been around for over 100 years. Whether you still have one at home, or remember having one growing up, we would love to hear from you as we plan for the future.
Would you be happy to speak with us? If so, please complete a short form to show your interest and to find out
more at: or scan the QR code. If you cannot access the form online you can call 020 7821 9755. Thank you!

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Gardeners we need you!

The Gardening Group is meeting on Saturday, 17th February, from 2.00 pm. Please come and join us if you can, even for an hour or so. No previous gardening experience required. Refreshments will be provided. Thank you and hope to see you then!

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Next church cleaning!

Our next Church Cleaning is on Saturday, 3rd February, at 11.30 am. If you have an hour or so to spare, please come along as many hands makes light work! We have buckets, mops, cloths etc. but feel free to bring your own. Thank you so much to everyone who is helping to keep our church clean and tidy.