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New SVP Page

As part of the updating of the website the SVP has a new page, with lots of details on how to become involved in the important work that the SVP Ely Conference does. Click on the image below to learn more.

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Happy New Year from Cambodia

Warmest greetings from Siem Reap!  There have been so many details to attend to especially now that the government has allowed everything to go back to normal after difficult times when our lives and activities were restricted and suspended.  Many people have suffered.  Now we could meet each other freely.  Our children and youth are looking forward to the school opening in January.  Our churches are getting back to normal activities.  And our lives can start again.  We are filled with hope in the new year even as we somehow worry about the scare of omicron.  But we are a people of Hope.  God is born and dwells with us to protect and rescue us, to give dignity and joy in our lives.  This is probably the reason why the New Year comes very close after Christmas, a time to strengthen our resolve for life, a time to hope, a time to start again, because God is with us.  So in behalf of my Cambodian community, Happy New Year of our Lord 2022 to you. Fr. Totet

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Back with a Bang (Diocesan Mass for young people followed by fireworks) – Cancelled

Considering the recent concerns about Covid Omicron, this has been cancelled.
Hopefully it will be back with an even bigger bang in the future!

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Christmas 2021

The bookings for Christmas Masses are now open on our dedicated page, which can be reached by clicking on the button.

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Diocesan Year Books

The 2022 Diocesan Year Books are now on sale at the back of the church, £2.00 each.