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1st Holy Communion Class of 2023

Congratulations to all the children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 17 June and Saturday 1 July.

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SVP Indian Student Sponsorship

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Festal Evensong 25th June 2023

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Confirmation 2023

Congratulations and every blessing to Carl, Beverly, Semaiah, Aurea, Max, Tobias, Christian, Maria, Freyja and Danielle who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday. We are most grateful to our Confirmation Catechists, Ben and Katie, for their devoted formation course, the families of those confirmed and to everyone who helped with the celebration of the beautiful Mass and provision of the fabulous feast that followed in the parish rooms.

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Garden Update

The gardening group met on Saturday 20th May. Included in their jobs for the day was the building of a compost box and lots of weeding! Thank you to everyone who helped on the day.
A warm welcome to all who would like to help to maintain the church garden, meetings are every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, 2pm to 5pm. Tea and cake will be provided!