First Holy Communion Classes will begin on Thursday 14 November. A parents’ meeting, which all parents must attend, will be held on 7 November at 6.45pm.
First Communions will be celebrated in June 2025 and First Confessions on 8 March.
The form can be downloaded below.
Parish BBQ 2024
On Sunday 21st July, we held our now annual parish BBQ. A great time was had a by all and the weather couldn’t have been better! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful day and to all those who came along.

Shrine Visitor

Father Joe, an Orthodox priest from Missouri visiting the Shrine on 23rd July 2024
Mass and Sacrament of the Sick. 7th July starting 1.30pm. A 16-seater, wheelchair accessible coach has been booked leaving Barton Road car park at 11.30 am. Travel is free but donations towards the cost are appreciated.
Please sign up at the back of church.
Contact Joan for more details. 07510359845
Gardening Group
The Gardening Group will meet again on Saturday, 27 April, 2 – 5pm. Please come, if you can, to help with keeping the church garden tidy. Thank you.