St Etheldreda’s SVP Conference has set up a food and drink token scheme with two cafes in town for
aiding rough sleepers in Ely. The scheme is now in operation.
We would like to encourage members of the parish to donate a few pounds to pay for a drink token or a food token by visiting Alfresco located at the end of Dolphin Lane on Market Street.
The purchased tokens are kept on display in the shop; a rough sleeper visits the cafe and requests to exchange one for a drink or some food.
SVP Twinning in India

CONFIRMATION CLASSES will begin on Tuesday, 3rd December, at 6.30 pm to prepare for the Confirmation Mass on Thursday,15th May, at 7.00pm.
You are eligible if you are in Year 8 or above. Registration forms are available on the parish website or can be picked up at the back of the church.
First Holy Communion Classes will begin on Thursday 14 November. A parents’ meeting, which all parents must attend, will be held on 7 November at 6.45pm.
First Communions will be celebrated in June 2025 and First Confessions on 8 March.
The form can be downloaded below.
Parish BBQ 2024
On Sunday 21st July, we held our now annual parish BBQ. A great time was had a by all and the weather couldn’t have been better! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful day and to all those who came along.

Shrine Visitor

Father Joe, an Orthodox priest from Missouri visiting the Shrine on 23rd July 2024
Mass and Sacrament of the Sick. 7th July starting 1.30pm. A 16-seater, wheelchair accessible coach has been booked leaving Barton Road car park at 11.30 am. Travel is free but donations towards the cost are appreciated.
Please sign up at the back of church.
Contact Joan for more details. 07510359845
Gardening Group
The Gardening Group will meet again on Saturday, 27 April, 2 – 5pm. Please come, if you can, to help with keeping the church garden tidy. Thank you.
A Message from Bishop Peter
We are blessed in our diocesan family with three seminarians, a student for the priesthood residing in South Africa, and a possible candidate for entry to formation in September of this year. There is also an encouraging number of other men discerning a potential vocation to the priesthood, so it is all the more
vital for the future of the Diocese to enable adequate financial support for the training of priests. The cost of training our diocesan students for the current year
will amount to £92,418. I urge you to be as generous as possible in supporting the annual second collection, which last year raised approximately £20,000.
(Donations can also be made through the diocesan website: )
Easter Pictures
A selection of pictures from Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

Good Friday Walk of Witness

Holy Week and Easter
Details of all services during Holy Week and Easter can be found on our dedicated page. Click on the button below
Message from Missio
Message from Missio The ‘Red Box’ has been around for over 100 years. Whether you still have one at home, or remember having one growing up, we would love to hear from you as we plan for the future.
Would you be happy to speak with us? If so, please complete a short form to show your interest and to find out
more at: or scan the QR code. If you cannot access the form online you can call 020 7821 9755. Thank you!
Gardeners we need you!
The Gardening Group is meeting on Saturday, 17th February, from 2.00 pm. Please come and join us if you can, even for an hour or so. No previous gardening experience required. Refreshments will be provided. Thank you and hope to see you then!
Next church cleaning!
Our next Church Cleaning is on Saturday, 3rd February, at 11.30 am. If you have an hour or so to spare, please come along as many hands makes light work! We have buckets, mops, cloths etc. but feel free to bring your own. Thank you so much to everyone who is helping to keep our church clean and tidy.
Christmas Mass Times
Fourth Sunday of Advent, 24th December:
Saturday at 6.30 pm, Sunday morning at 9.00 am and 11.00 am.
Sunday, Christmas Eve:
Christmas Mass during the Night at both 5.00 pm and 8.00 pm. There will be no Mass at midnight.
Monday, Christmas Day:
9.00 am, Dawn Mass; 11.00 am, Day Mass
Next big clean!
We would like to do a quick sweep and spruce-up of the church ahead of it being decorated for our Christmas Masses and celebrations.
If you are free and able to spare some time on Saturday 23rd December at 11.30am we’d love to see you.
A big thank you to all who have been joining us over
the last couple of months, it has been much appreciated and all are welcome!
After this, we will re-group again in February 2024.
On Sunday 26th November, The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, St Etheldreda’s Ely SVP celebrated an International Food Festival Parish Lunch, inviting all parishioners to bring and share, a dish from their country of origin or that they have an affiliation with. The lunch was so well attended that we thought we would not all fit into the parish rooms.
Fr David Finegan opened the meal with prayers to thank the Lord for the food we were about to share and to help us support those less fortunate, all over the world, through the work of the SVP.
It was a wonderful day with exciting dishes to try from England, Scotland, Ireland, Philippines, Poland, Italy, Spain, Nigeria, Jamaica, Ukraine, South Africa, China, Canada and India, a good cross section from our multinational parish. There were a lot of appreciative comments and requests for recipe exchange and general conversation between new friends. So many people helped with all aspects of the event, setting up and clearing away. Thank you so much. We are always open to new members.
It was so popular there were many requests to repeat the occasion during the summer when we can spread out into the garden.

Nativity Play
Please join us for a special Christmas Nativity Play presented by the children of St Etheldreda’s Parish, on Sunday 17th December at 4.00pm in the church. Minced pies and mulled wine will be served after the performance.
All are warmly welcome.
Next Big Clean!
The next Big Clean – Saturday 2nd December at 11.30am…buckets and mops optional but if people have their own that they prefer to use do bring them along! In an hour/hour and half, with many hands we can make light work of it and get things spick and span.
First HC Parents’ Meeting
There will be a parents’ meeting on Monday 30th November at 7.00pm in the church.
Church Cleaning!
Can you spare an hour on Saturday, 4th November, at 11.30am to help with cleaning the church? Please bring your own bucket, mop, broom, or duster if possible. We hope to make this a monthly event on the first Saturday of the month. Thank you.
Click on the button to read the minutes from the latest Parish Forum held on 5th October 2023
International Food Festival

Cambridge Caritas Festival

Cambodia Update: Great News
We now have enough money to cover the cost of two students from Prek Toal to go to school in Battambang for a year. This is fantastic news for the community there and thank you so much for your generosity.
Fr John’s Birthday
Father John will celebrate his 80th Birthday on Friday and invites us to join him for a glass of fizz with the Teas and Coffees after 11.00 am Mass next Sunday. Mass on Friday itself will be at 10.00 am.

Last week we welcomed a group of pilgrims led by Jason Moore of the Ignite Lite team. The group was made up of people from all around the Diocese and beyond. They were walking from Cambridge to Walsingham in time for the Assumption.

Our new Deacon
Congratulations to The Reverend Paul Raynes on his Ordination as a Deacon of the Diocese of East Anglia yesterday. We pray for every blessing on Deacon Paul’s ministry in the years ahead both in our parish and across the Diocese, and on his wife, Sarah, and on all their family.
Watch the Ordination here: 11:30am Mass of Ordination of Paul Raynes to the Diaconate – 29th July 2023 – YouTube
Cambodia Appeal
Fr Yakob in Prek Toal has contacted us asking for our immediate support, to help a family. The heavy rains are gathering pace in Cambodia and the water levels will rise. Fr Yakob visited a family recently and saw the poor conditions they were living in, the house is sinking! Urgent help is required to help them rebuild the floor and the roof, before it is lost to the impending heavy rains.
The amount required is $1,850 (just over £1,400), this would buy barrels, timber and tin sheets to fix.
We already have £600 to help, but please give whatever you can, Stella has put envelopes at the back of the church.
Thank you
Paul’s Ordination as a Deacon St John’s Cathedral, Norwich, at 11.30 am, Saturday 29th July. Everyone from our parish is invited. A coach with FREE places has been laid on for this important event. There’s a sign-up list at the back of the church and details of times are displayed in the porch and at the back of church.
Car Parking
Along with our neighbours in Egremont Street, I was informed on Thursday that parking will not be available at King’s Ely
Acremont from this Monday, 10th July, until Friday, 1st September, because of ongoing building works. I suggest that the fitter and more able-bodied among
us leave earlier for Mass, park in other car parks, and walk to the church, leaving the parking spaces at the church for those less able to walk a distance.
St Etheldreda Celebrations
Bishop Peter celebrated Mass on the Feast of St Etheldreda, he was joined by parishioners and members of the clergy from other churches in Ely, including Ely Cathedral. After the Mass there was a party in the Parish Rooms and garden. Thanks to all who were involved to create such a memorable day, we did ourselves proud!

Congratulations to all the children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 17 June and Saturday 1 July.

Confirmation 2023
Congratulations and every blessing to Carl, Beverly, Semaiah, Aurea, Max, Tobias, Christian, Maria, Freyja and Danielle who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday. We are most grateful to our Confirmation Catechists, Ben and Katie, for their devoted formation course, the families of those confirmed and to everyone who helped with the celebration of the beautiful Mass and provision of the fabulous feast that followed in the parish rooms.

Garden Update
The gardening group met on Saturday 20th May. Included in their jobs for the day was the building of a compost box and lots of weeding! Thank you to everyone who helped on the day.
A warm welcome to all who would like to help to maintain the church garden, meetings are every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, 2pm to 5pm. Tea and cake will be provided!

Saturday 20th May 2pm-5pm.
A very warm invitation to all who would like to help with the maintenance of the church garden, especially ahead of Bishop Peter’s visit. There is a job for everyone but please bring your tools. Tea/coffee and cake/biscuits will be provided. Thank you!

Congratulations to Gerald
Our very own Gerald Fox was honoured for a lifetime of service at the altar and for many years of volunteering in the Church and in the local community at the first Maundy service of the King’s reign. Read more: King honours Gerald for a lifetime of service – Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (
To all those receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, there is a revised schedule for April and May. Please note there is NO class on Tuesday 28th May.
Tuesday 18th April – The Eucharist
Tuesday 9th May – Forgiveness
Tuesday 23rd May – What Happens at Confirmation
February Gardening Party
Thank you to all who braved the weather last Saturday (25 February) and came to help to prune some bushes and clear the gardening waste in the church garden. And the cakes were delicious, thank you to the bakers! There will be another meeting at the end of March, the date and time will be posted soon.

SVP: Lighting the Flame
New dates have been added for Lighting the Flame after a successful run in 2022.
Lighting the Flame: Reigniting our Spirituality is an online session produced by members of the Society as an opportunity to delve deeper into our Vincentian spirituality. In small groups, participants are invited to reflect on Vincentian spirituality and share what it means to be a Vincentian in the course of our daily lives. Register today by clicking on the dates below.
Lent: Cafod Lent Prayers
Follow Cafod’s Lenten calendar Lent prayers (
Lent: Cafod Big Walk
Sign up to the Cafod Big Walk and walk 200km in 40 days (or a bit less now) to help fight global poverty. Fundraise (
Family Fast Day
This Friday is Family Fast Day. Please take the CAFOD Fast Day Gift Aid envelope home and bring it back for the Retiring Collection next weekend.
Booking for the Parish Lent Day of Recollection at Clare Priory on Saturday 18th March. The Day will start with 10.00 am Mass at the Priory and end at 3.30pm. The cost of the day will be £28 per person which will include a light lunch with tea and coffee. Transport will be by individual cars with people sharing and
giving lifts. We have 30 places available. The booking form is at the back of the church.

Saint Etheldreda 1350

Saint Etheldreda 1350 marks the anniversary of the foundation by St Etheldreda of her monastery at Ely in 673.
The Bishop of East Anglia, Rt Rev. Peter Collins, will celebrate Mass in our church on St Etheldreda’s Feast Day,
Friday 23rd June, at 7.00 pm.
Bishop Peter will return to the City on Sunday, 25th June, for Festal Evensong and Procession in Ely Cathedral at 4.00 pm. I hope that many of us from our parish will welcome our Bishop as we celebrate our Patron Saint.
God of mercy,
We pray for the people of Türkiye and Syria
following the recent earthquakes.
We mourn the death and destruction.
and pray for those who have died and those who grieve.
Lord, bring them comfort, strength and renewed hope.
We hold in our hearts those who are injured,
and those who have lost loved ones, livelihoods, and homes.
Lord, bring them comfort, strength and renewed hope.
Sustain and guide all responding to this disaster.
Grant those affected courage and resilience,
as they rebuild their lives and communities.
Lord, bring them comfort, strength and renewed hope.
Inspire us to unite in solidarity,
acting swiftly and generously,
so that help may reach all who need it.
Lord, bring them comfort, strength and renewed hope.
Prayer for the people of Turkey and Syria affected by the earthquakes (
CAFOD is responding with support of provision of food, water, shelter, medical assistance and winter kits for survivors. Your donations in recent months have made that quick response possible. Let us join CAFOD in praying for our sisters and brothers affected by the earthquakes and the winter weather. Your support for CAFOD throughout the year allows our Catholic agency to act quickly when disasters strike. For more details visit CAFOD’s Syria Turkey Emergency Appeal online at

Next Gardening Party
The next gardening party will meet on Saturday, 25 February, 9am – 1pm. Please bring your own gardening tools. Tea/coffee and delicious cake will be provided. We are planning to prune the bushes, continue tidying up and start planning the shape of the garden. All welcome, see you there.
Click on the red button below to see this month’s Alive in Faith newsletter, which gives details of all the projects around the Diocese, including Ely!!!
After 11.00am Mass last Sunday, there was coffee, cake and Polish Carols. A great time was had by all 🙂

The next gardening party meeting will be on Saturday, 25 February, 9am – 1pm. Please bring the gardening tools. Tea/coffee and delicious cake will be provided. We are planning to prune the bushes, continue tidying up and start planning the shape of the garden. All welcome, see you there.

The Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, ‘Humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord’, has returned to the Father’s House.
We give thanks for his ministry and the witness of his long life to Truth, to Jesus, the Word made Flesh, and pray for the happy repose of his soul.
We will celebrate Requiem Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict on Wednesday at 7.30 pm, the eve of his Funeral at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
Christmas Tea Party
A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Tea Party on Wednesday 28th December. Mulled wine and Christmas treats were consumed and Carols were sung. A great time was had by all!

Simply click on the link to watch the Ordination Live Episcopal Ordination of Peter Collins as Fifth Bishop of East Anglia – 14th December 2022 – YouTube
Synodal Path – URGENT
Comments on a working document for the Continental Phase of the Synodal Path have been requested by Saturday 10th December. Please following the link to our dedicated page to see what needs to be done.
A Concert for Peace in Harmony
Friday 16th December, 7.00 for 7.30 pm
Please join us at St Etheldreda’s Church at 19 Egremont St at 7.00pm for a glass of wine and live music at 7.30pm to raise money for the humanitarian cause in Ukraine, and St Etheldreda’s Church.
The Ely Music Collective (EMC) is a new group of likeminded musicians from Ely, our aim is to bring beautiful music alive in our community as a way of connecting us all, especially in these challenging times. For this concert, the EMC will comprise a trio of flute, violin and cello and will play an engaging offering of music from Bach and Haydn in the 17/18th centuries, to an impressionistic, approachable modern piece of music by Robert Emil Hanson from the 20th century.
Musicians are donating their time, and a glass of wine will be offered before the concert by local specialist Italian importers Ely Wine.
Entry is free, with a suggested minimum donation of £10 per person. Proceeds will be split evenly between St Etheldreda’s and the DEC Ukraine humanitarian appeal.
If you are unable to attend, please consider making a donation to
There will be a meeting for parents in the Parish Rooms on Monday 7th November, at 7.00pm. Register your child (Year 3 and above) online by filling out the form. Click the button below for the form.
Gardening Update
Last Saturday was another busy and joyful gardening party. We were blessed with beautiful weather and worked hard to weed and fertilize the garden soil. Thank you very much to all who came or supported us in other ways. The cakes were delicious, we had a selection of coffee cake, lemon drizzle cake and plum cake! There is still more to be done and we hope to have one more Saturday in November for the gardening party, weather permitting. We will advertise the date when it is confirmed. Come and join us next time!

Congratulations to Stella
Stella received the Etheldreda Medal from the Bishop of Ely on Saturday 15th October. On Sunday there was cake and bubbles after the 11.00 Mass.

New Bishop of East Anglia

On Tuesday 11th October it was announced that Pope Francis had appointed Canon Peter Collins as the next Bishop of East Anglia, see more about this on the Diocesan website: New Bishop is appointed for the Diocese of East Anglia – Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (
If you are unable to join us at Ely Cathedral join us virtually by clicking on the button below:
St Etheldreda Medal
The Etheldreda Medal Award will be presented, by the Bishop of Ely, The Rt Revd Stephen Conway, to our parishioner, Stella Fox for her outstanding volunteering work, on Saturday 15 October at the Evensong, 5:30pm, at the Ely Cathedral.
Please come to support and rejoice with Stella.
Stella Fox is an active volunteer in her church and wider community. Kind-hearted and generous, Stella raises funds for the Ely Foodbank and a Cambodian village project. She was quick to volunteer with the vaccination programme during the pandemic and to join the “Help Ukraine” group. “What I admire most about Stella,” said her nominator, “is her ability to empathise with others.”
Gardening Party
You are invited to the gardening party on
Saturday 29th October, 2 -5pm.
There is still work to be done to prepare the grounds for winter. Come and have fun working together. Coffee and cake, as usual, will be served.

First Holy Communions 2023
To begin this year’s programme of preparation there will be a Meeting for Parents in the Parish Rooms on
Monday, 7th November at 7.00 pm
Confirmation 2022-2023
Confirmation Preparation Sessions will begin on Tuesday, 18th October, at 6.30 pm. Anyone who is in Year 8 this year or above is invited to register before then. Application forms are on the parish website and hard copies are available at the back of the church.
Cambodia Mass for The Queen
In the latest news from Cambodia Bishops Kike and John Arnold celebrated Mass for the repose of the soul of Queen Elizabeth in Battambang.

There will be a Diocesan Solemn Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, on Thursday 15th September at 11.00am, at the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich
Congratulations to Stella
Congratulations to Stella Fox, who has been nominated and has accepted The Etheldreda Medal Award, which will be presented by the Bishop of Ely, the Rt Revd. Stephen Conway, at the Evensong service at Ely Cathedral on Saturday 15 October 2022.
The Bishop of Ely awards his prestigious Etheldreda Medal to individuals who have served their community in generous and outstanding ways that would not otherwise be recognised.
We are delighted that Stella, has been recognised for all her dedication and heart she puts into all the volunteering work in the Parish and the wider community in the UK and abroad.
We hope that many will be able to join her at the Evensong at the Ely Cathedral on 15 October.
The Etheldreda Medal has been commissioned by the Bishop of Ely and has been designed by Jonathan Clarke to incorporate the image of his magnificent ‘Way of Life’ sculpture which captivates and inspires so many visitors to the Cathedral.
Each medal is inscribed with the name of the recipient and the date of the award.

More from the Parish BBQ
Parish BBQ 2022
After a 3 year gap the social event of the year returned on Sunday 22nd August! Lots of people came to celebrate its return, to make new friends, reconnect with old ones and to enjoy fabulous weather, great food and activities. Thanks to everyone involved in organising the day and to everyone who came along.

A great day was had by all preparing the garden for the Parish BBQ. A HUGE thank you to all who were there. Keep an eye out for future dates, as we continue to improve the garden.

You can win up to £25,000 and help us to fight poverty in all its forms by playing the exciting new SVP Weekly Lottery. Play from only £1 per week and over 50% will go to help the SVP to support people in need across England and Wales suffering hardship, loneliness or exclusion in any form. By playing the SVP Weekly Lottery you will also help us to tackle the causes of poverty through our social justice campaigning, making society fairer for all. So, please join us and turn your concern into action and, who knows, your compassion might win you a whopping £25,000.

The SVP National Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which included the Sacrament of the Sick, returned on 3 July after an absence of three years. Organised by East Anglia Central Council with help from the pilgrimage coordinator and staff at the shrine, the pilgrimage provided a welcome return to a much-loved event on the faith calendar.
Up to 600 people attended the pilgrimage in summer sunshine, a promising number, considering the break due to Covid and the current high cost of fuel. In an atmosphere alive with friendship, support and love, SVP members described the day as “beautiful”, “a great success”, and “uplifting and well organised with dignity”
During Mass SVP National President Helen O’Shea said: “It was a wonderful day, and fantastic to be able to share it with other SVP members in this very special place.” In his inspiring homily Bishop Alan Hopes praised the SVP’s mission saying that “the message of the Gospel (love) must be lived before it is spoken.” During the pilgrimage SVP National President Helen O’Shea presented Bishop Alan with a relic of Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, which will be kept at the shrine.
Members Nigel Weale and Bob Thornton, who had recently passed away were remembered, and Stephen Giblin from the Peterborough Conference was congratulated on his 50 years’ service with the SVP.
Next year, the East Anglia Central Council aim to build on the success of the pilgrimage and look forward to welcoming more brothers and sisters in faith. The SVP Pilgrimage is on the first Sunday in July, so keep July 2, 2023 free on your calendar.
The Bishop will visit our Parish to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Monday 8th May 2023 at 6.00pm. Those who will then be in Year 8 or above are eligible to apply for Confirmation. Preparation sessions will begin in October. Application forms are at the back of church or by clicking the button below. For further information please contact
Catholic Family Day
Join us for a day of Christian fellowship and fun on Saturday 6th August. We will meet at the 10am Mass at St Etheldreda’s, and afterwards head to Cherry Hill Park Please bring your picnic, rug, and some outdoor games to share. For more details please contact Monica Underwood at

1st Communion Part 2
On Saturday 25th June, more of our children made their First Holy Communion. Once again the church looked beautiful. Please pray for the children and their families from today, as we look forward to the next celebration this Saturday.

1st Communion Part 1
On Saturday 18th June, 16 of our children made their First Holy Communion. It was so wonderful to have a full church once again. Please pray for the children and their families from today, as we look forward to the next celebration this Saturday.

A small but eager group tackled parts of the church garden. Despite the hot weather the group did a grand job. After all their hard work, they had a lovely social time, delicious cakes were served, lemon drizzle, chocolate cake, banana fruit cake and beautiful rhubarb and meringue cake with refreshing tea and freshly brewed coffee and home made lemonade. The next meeting is on 16 July 2 to 5pm. It is a wonderful way to spend the Saturday afternoon.
Pentecost Sunday

Gardening Party
Come along on Saturday 11th June, 2-5pm, to join a group tidying up the church grounds. Tea and cake on offer 🙂
Stewardship Steering Group
Would you be interested in being part of a new group to ‘renew’ our parish?
COVID arrived and found us all lacking in preparedness for such a life-changing situation; the Synodal Pathway has challenged us to think differently about ourselves, our faith, our parish and our life within the community; the Parish
Forum (unfortunately attendance was affected by COVID) identified there is much to be done in our parish, practically, spiritually and socially.
The following is a quote from notes taken from one of the Synodal Pathway meetings:
“There was consensus that we had a great opportunity as a parish, carefully and
thoughtfully, to build on the foundation of existing and past team work, shake off the last two years and have a sense of newness. As well as renewing existing teams, there was an opportunity to start new groups or revive groups that had ended. There was a sense that, as the laity, this was our responsibility, we should
not be relying on Father David to take the initiative or make us take the initiative.
We should actively try to involve more people.”
How can we take this forward?
The Diocese has initiated a new programme called “Stewardship”. It is an invitation to share ‘time, treasures and talents’ and provides a framework which covers all aspects of parish life. The aim is to encourage every single person,
young and not so young, to play an active part in their church in a variety of ways which suit each individual. Each parish can tailor the framework to focus on the needs of its community and the people it serves.
So how do we get it started?
What’s needed is a group of people to look at the framework and identify the priorities for St Etheldreda’s. Then we can work together to adapt the templates, consider timescales, link with the Diocesan coordinator to produce the necessary paperwork, and generally plan for the roll-out of the programme to the parish. Interested in at least finding out more?
Let us have your contact details by signing up at the back of the church, emailing
them to or phoning 01353 662759
Return of Sunday Obligation
A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of England and Wales about the return of the Sunday Obligation can be read by clicking on the button below:
SVP supporting Ukrainians
SVP is supporting Ukrainians and their sponsors with the SVP Disaster Fund. This Ukraine fund is intended to enable anyone in the SVP community to support Ukraine refugees that are now based in the UK. Typically, a grant may be required for food, clothing, transport and any other general living requirements of an individual or family. The maximum grant is set at £500. Please contact 07763800565 if you would like to apply.
Useful contacts are: The Lighthouse, Lynn Road, Thursdays 10h00-13h00 for socialising aUd information: Ukraine Lifeline Warehouse, Willow Farms, Pymore Common, Little Downham CB6 2WA for clothing and other supplies: for information: Ely Refugee Resettlement Campaign for grants and advice; Facebook – Ely Sponsors for Ukraine
May Catholic East Anglia
Don’t forget to your copy of this month’s Diocesan newspaper. Alternatively you can view on line by clicking here.
A NEW Bible Study & Prayer Group will start on Saturday 21st May, 10:45am – 11:45am, in the Parish Rooms and continue every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.
Could anyone interested in joining put down their name, e-mail address and telephone number on the list at the back of the church?
Esther, who will be leading the group, will send details of Bible passages ahead of each meeting. The focus will be on the Gospel of the coming Sunday.
Holy Week in Cambodia

HE IS RISEN, ALLELUIA. Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter. We concluded the Triduum last night with The Easter Vigil and have celebrated two packed Easter Sunday Masses.

Good Friday 2
Today we celebrated the Lord’s Passion, with the reading of The Passion and the Veneration of The Cross.

Good Friday
We await this afternoon’s Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. (Photo credit: Fr David)

Walk of Witness
The Walk of Witness took place in Ely on Good Friday. Fr David joined parishioners and Christians from around Ely. Fr David gave the blessing in the Market Square. (Photo Credit: Fr David)

Maundy Thursday
We celebrated The Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The service culminated in the Watching of the Altar of Repose ending with Night Prayer.

The Diocese of East Anglia has compiled a synthesis of all the responses to the Synodal questions and has sent the document to the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. All information can be seen by clicking HERE.
Invitation from Diocese of East Anglia to join Jerusalem Journey prayers
This Palm Sunday (April 10) the Diocese of East Anglia has invited everyone to join a moment of online prayer during Holy Week and Easter Week. All details can be found with this link: Invitation to join our Jerusalem Journey prayers – Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (
Lenten Sermon
A link to a Lenten Sermon by Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, the Preacher to the Papal Household. Cardinal Cantalamessa: Service does not consist in self-seeking – Vatican News
Thursday 12th May 2-4pm
Methodist Church Hall
Following the success of our Christmas get-together we will be holding an “afternoon tea” on the date above. This is particularly for those who are elderly, housebound, feeling isolated or wanting to meet up with their friends in the parish. However if you would like to help on the day, please do get in touch.
Transport can be organised for those who need it and the venue has excellent accessibility for those who may be less mobile. Do spread the word and we look forward to seeing you on the day.
To register your interest please speak with Father David, any SVP member or phone: 07763800565
Cambodia March Update
Please help us to pray for all our brothers and sisters who received the solemn calling of names from our Bishop Kike Figaredo last March 12, 2022 in Siem Reap. They will be baptized this coming Easter 2022.
The candidates are all students in senior High School and University. Please pray that they will grow in joy in following Jesus, and also please pray that our communities will be able to support and accompany these brothers and sisters. They will receive the Sacrament of Baptism in their own parishes.

April Catholic East Anglia
Click here to view the latest online Catholic East Anglia
Mass in Cantonese
Mass in Cantonese will be at 11am on Thursday 7th April at OLOL Church, Sawston, CB22 3HJ. Please spread the news to your Cantonese-speaking friends.
劍橋地區將快有廣東話彌撒。4月7日星期四上午,於OLOL舉行。10.30 綵排,11.00 禮儀正式開始。主禮的是本堂主任 康神父。完畢後在堂區會所有茶聚。請將這喜訊廣傳開去。並請大家到來參與這次聖祭。
The Wednesday Word is a weekly programme to prayerfully prepare for the Sunday Mass, by reflecting on the Sunday readings and Gospel. Click here to view the reflections for this weekend.
On Friday 25th March, Pope Francis will consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Here at St Etheldreda’s, Fr. David will recite the consecration after Mass for the Solemnity of the Annunciation. The Act of Consecration can be read by following this link: Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary [25 March 2022] | Francis (
Cafod: Lent
Cafod have got some very good resources for Lent, find out here: Lent prayers | CAFOD
Synodal Path
Ukraine Lifeline
Local collections for are continuing for Ukraine, check the website to see what is needed. Stella and Gerald are happy to take any donations to the collection point. HOME | Ukraine Lifeline
Prayers for Ukraine
A downloadable copy for the Prayers in Time of War in Ukraine are available to download. Click on the button below:
Teas and coffees
We’re really excited to announce that tea, coffee and may be biscuits will be served after both Sunday Masses, we look forward to seeing many of you there.

March Catholic East Anglia
Don’t forget to pick your copy of March’s Catholic East Anglia from the back of the church, which features our very own SVP. Or read it online by following this link: March edition of Catholic East Anglia is out now – Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (
Synodal Path Meetings
The parish will be holding its final meeting to discuss the questions Pope Francis has asked us to consider in advance of the 2023 Synod. The meetings will be held in the Parish Rooms on Saturday 5th March. Click on the image below to learn more and to book you place at one or more of these meetings.
Parish Website
The Parish Website is continuing to be updated and rebuilt. All information about the parish is now included in an ABOUT US page. Please continue to check back for updates.
New SVP Page
Warmest greetings from Siem Reap! There have been so many details to attend to especially now that the government has allowed everything to go back to normal after difficult times when our lives and activities were restricted and suspended. Many people have suffered. Now we could meet each other freely. Our children and youth are looking forward to the school opening in January. Our churches are getting back to normal activities. And our lives can start again. We are filled with hope in the new year even as we somehow worry about the scare of omicron. But we are a people of Hope. God is born and dwells with us to protect and rescue us, to give dignity and joy in our lives. This is probably the reason why the New Year comes very close after Christmas, a time to strengthen our resolve for life, a time to hope, a time to start again, because God is with us. So in behalf of my Cambodian community, Happy New Year of our Lord 2022 to you. Fr. Totet
Considering the recent concerns about Covid Omicron, this has been cancelled.
Hopefully it will be back with an even bigger bang in the future!
Christmas 2021
The bookings for Christmas Masses are now open on our dedicated page, which can be reached by clicking on the button.
Diocesan Year Books
The 2022 Diocesan Year Books are now on sale at the back of the church, £2.00 each.
Retiring Collection
Next weekend (4th Sunday of Advent) there will be a retiring collection for the East Anglia Dependent Priest’s Fund. Gift Aid envelopes are available at the back of the church.
The December edition of the Diocesan Newspaper Catholic East Anglia is available at the back of the church. The online version is available here.
At a meeting this week, the Bishops decided NOT to reimpose the Sunday obligation in view of the present situation with the Pandemic. The full text of this statement can be found here: Bishops’ Statement: Honouring Sunday – Catholic Bishops’ Conference (
Advent 2021 Bible Series
Come and See are running an Advent Bible Series, which will study the Gospel before each Sunday of Advent. To register for these FREE sessions please go to:
Advent Bible Series (
Pastoral Letter
Please click on the green bar to view Bishop Alan’s Pastoral Letter
Icon of the Holy Family
We welcome the Icon of the Holy Family this week on its tour of the Diocese. Prayers cards are available at the back of the church.

Fr Terry Donnelly RIP
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Fr Terry Donnelly. Fr Terry will be fondly remembered by many as a regular visitor to Ely. May his soul rest in peace. Amen.

Congratulations to Paul Raynes, our student for the Diaconate, on his being Instituted as a Reader by Bishop Alan at a Solemn Mass in St John’s Cathedral, Norwich, on Saturday 4th September. Our prayers and best wishes to Paul, Sarah and all their family. Pictures of the event can be viewed on the Diocesan website: Students take steps towards the Permanent Diaconate | Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (

Mass at Ely Cathedral
On Friday 20th August 2021, Fr David celebrated Mass at Ely Cathedral on the Feast of Saint Bernard. Fr David was joined by a large number of parishioners and families. At the start of Mass, Fr David laid some sunflowers on the site of Saint Etheldreda’s shrine. It was a wonderful celebration and thank you to Canon James Reveley and all at the Cathedral for making us so welcome.

Photo credit Canon James Reveley

St Vincent de Paul Society
St Etheldreda’s Conference ELY
Over the years we have been donating Christmas Presents to EACH, the East Anglian Children’s Hospice whose head office is in Milton, Cambridge. Because of the Pandemic funds to support their running costs have, all but, dried up. It costs £23.00 an hour to provide care for an EACH clinical Nurse Specialist and they have asked us to help by fundraising to assist in these costs. As a registered charity we are unable to donate directly to another charity but we are asking you, fellow parishioners, to help EACH funding their important work in whatever way you can.
If you can donate £23.00, or multiples of £23.00 and give it to Father David we will ensure that EACH receives it under the name of St Etheldreda’s Ely.
Thanking you in anticipation.
June Cambodia Update
During lockdown in Cambodia the barrels on which the church floats are being repaired. Bunloem Chet who is the leader of the community and teacher at Prek Toal can be seen working with his brother to ensure the church continues to float.

Diamond Wedding
Latest from the Diocesan news, congratulations to Terry & Rodger Germany on their Diamond (plus 1) wedding anniversary A diamond wedding after catching the wrong bus | Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia (
Pentecost Pastoral Letter
The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have published a pastoral letter for Pentecost.
Pentecost Novena
A suggested Pentecost Novena has been composed by a group of Bishops, using materials drawn from the Scriptures and the writings of Pope Francis. It focuses on Creation and the problems we are facing as a global community.
Latest News from Cambodia
Like so many, Cambodia is suffering through the pandemic. By clicking on the link below you can see the latest news from Cambodia and our twinned community.
Talk from Father Totet
Click on the link to watch an inspiring talk from Father Totet followed by some photos of our friends sharing food and friendship in Cambodia.
St Etheldreda Pray For Us

Special Notice
Under the latest national lockdown, Masses continue and the church is open for private prayer 30 minutes before the start of Mass. The same restrictions as in Tier 4 apply and we are allowed to leave home to attend public worship and it is counted as essential travel.
Greetings from Siem Reap
Received from our friends in Siem Reap
St. John Catholic Church, Siem Reap – Posts | Facebook

Today we celebrated the final First Holy Communion Mass for the class of 2020. Congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion. Thank you to all those who have made this and the two other Masses such great celebrations. Please continue to pray for all our First Communicants and their families as they embark on the next stage in their journey of faith.

The second of our delayed First Holy Communion Masses took place on Saturday 12th December. Congratulations to the eight children who made their First Holy Communion. Please continue to pray for them and all our First Communicants and their families as they embark on the next stage in their journey of faith.

Follow us on Facebook
Follow our updated Facebook page by clicking this link, where news and events will be published. Share with anyone else in the parish.
Watching Mass from home
It is possible to watch Holy Mass live-streamed from St Laurence, Cambridge. In addition, there is a Live Stream Schedule of Masses and Services at the National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham available on the internet. There is a comprehensive list of all East Anglian live-streamed Masses available on the Diocese of East Anglia website just click on the Live Stream section of the homepage
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our 15 children who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, this was the first of three special Masses that are planned for the coming weeks. Please continue to pray for them and all our First Communicants and their families as they embark on the next stage in their journey of faith.

Many thanks to SVP members and everyone who
joined them and spent all morning and into the afternoon last Saturday,
pruning, weeding and tidying around the church grounds and car park. It
was hard work but it has made a big difference for everyone to see.

August 2020 Cambodia update
Since we left Cambodia in mid February visits to Prek Toal have not been possible. At first they were not permitted because of COVID 19 restrictions. More recently the priests have been able to celebrate mass in people’s homes in the Siem Reap parish not in the church. More recently they were also permitted to take food to the poor. By this time the water level in the lake. Was so low travel became impossible and the people became isolated. Fathers Jacob and Glen, who are Mill Hill fathers new to Cambodia and helping in the Siem Reap parish, They took advantage of a brief wet period to attempt a visit to Prek Toal. It was a very difficult journey as they had to take a long route via the river , the lake and back into the river where the PrekToal church is positioned. The weather is now dry again and everyone is praying for heavy rain soon. Follow this link to a letter from Fathers Jacob and Glen.
Covid-19 Help and Advice

Fr David, our SVP and Parish Council are anxious to offer all at St Etheldreda support and advice wherever possible. At this worrying time, when we are in an emergency situation, many of our more vulnerable parishioners may need practical help or perhaps just someone to talk to.
Should any St Etheldreda parishioner require support and help from the SVP they are urged to ring our special helpline number: 07763 800565.
As always Father David is available at or on the parish number 01353 662759.
The NHS website has information and advice if you are worried or want to find out more. Most importantly, to cut down the risk of passing on infection, they advise regular and stringent washing of our hands, fingers and wrists with soap and water and drying them thoroughly. They also advise ‘social distancing’ which is staying a metre away from all we meet. Those most at risk of being seriously affected by Covid-19 are older people and those with pre-existing health problems.
More information about the virus and how to protect yourself can be found on the BBC website.
Some practical and spiritual advice is available from YouTube also.
Fr David urges us all to support and pray for one another at this difficult time. God bless all of us and keep us and our loved ones safe.
Advent Talks